Jumat, 06 Agustus 2010

Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah SWT

Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah's (SWT) logical, eloquent speeches greatly impressed many of the people who heard his words. In most gatherings and public places, people talked about the new faith more than anything else. To those who had suffered from the extortion of the cruel oppressors and were tired of the injustices and inhuman conditions prevailing in Makkah, the celestial words of Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) opened a door to the world of hope and prosperity and gave new life to their half dead bodies. But the selfish malevolent Quraish chiefs refused to submit to Islam, and, since Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) mentioned their deviations and faults at every opportunity, they decided to hinder this spiritual and intellectual revolution by any means possible.

Obviously, the idol worshippers and the oppressive Quraish chiefs well realized that if idolatry were abolished and all the people worshipped the One God and adopted the gainful religion of Islam, no room would be left for their extortion and oppressive rule.

Therefore, they held a council and started talks on the day's issue, trying to find ways to extinguish Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah's (SWT) revolution.

They reached the conclusion from their talks and exchange of views that they should all go to the house of Abu Talib ibn Abd Al-Muttalib - a Quraish chief who was like a father to Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) - and ask him to prevent Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) from further activities toward propagating his faith by any means he found expedient.

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